
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Organ Systems And Evolution

Digestive System4 . Select one representative organ in this system . Describe its structure and develop how the structure relates to the particular(prenominal) hunt down of the organ . Include details about the types of cells and the types of windsThe coloured-colored is one of the major(ip) organs of the digestive system that plays an inwrought role in metabolic process . There are devil vessels that reckon the colorful : the hepatic portal vein which concedes the career of fare that was dissolved in the small intestine and the hepatic arteria which facilitates the flow of the oxygenated blood coming from the lungs (Marieb and Hoehn , 2006 . Moreover , close to of the colorful is composed of cells called hepatocytes . The hepatocytes carry out the main functions of the liver much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the synthe sis and storehouse of protein , fat metabolism , and the transformation of carbohydrates into superfatted acids among differents (Marieb and Hoehn , 2006 . The liver is also made up of endothelial cells which allow water and plasma proteins to pass freely and Kupfer Cells , which are reticuloendothelial cells that read bacteria and new(prenominal) foreign particles in the blood (Marieb and Hoehn 20065 . stool a disease associated with this organ and explain how it affects the system and gentle healthOne of the diseases most commonly associated with the liver is cirrhosis of the liver .
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fundamentally , cirrhosis is the formation of scars on the liver tissue imput! able to a certain long-term disease , such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism , or injury (US guinea papal bull Library of treat and study Institutes of Health , 2008 . Since the tissue of the liver is scarred the organ is unable to perform its normal functions such as the transshipment center of glycogen , detoxification of the blood , protein synthesis , protein storage , red blood cells decomposition , and the production of bile that helps during digestion , among others (US study Library of practice of medicine and National Institutes of Health , 2008 . In other words , most of the metabolic functions of the body is impaired by liver cirrhosisReferencesHoehn , K . N , and Marieb , E , N (2006 . benign Anatomy and Physiology USA : Benjamin CummingsUnited States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health (2008 . Cirrhosis . MedlinePlus . Retrieved April 19 , 2008 from http / web .nlm .nih .gov /medlineplus /cirrhosis .html PAGEPAGE 1Digestive System. ..If you want to get a full essay, found it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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