
Friday, March 1, 2019

Effect of Change in an Organisation

www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation report Service Even though the positivist and phenomenological approaches seem to completely contradict one an early(a), Bryman and Bell (2004) obtain that a enquiry worker should not select one or the other but, instead, should weave the two to fareher.In other words, for those aspects of the research difficulty which can be erupt served if explored through a scientific approach, the positivist methodology should be employed whitheras those which require the researchers more(prenominal) active involvement or an abridgment of the social environment, the phenomenological approach should be utilized. The implication here is that the two approaches can coexist indoors a single field of battle and can be used to explore different aspects of the research problem (Bryman and Bell, 2004).Rather than select the one approach over the other, the selected research approach shall link between the two. As such, the researcher shall engage in the objective analysis of tardiness behaviour through the analysis of attendance records while, at the same time, supervise 20 students for a period of 12 weeks for the purpose of closer and more critical annotation of the dimensions of the defined problem and the behavioural and situational variables which induce it. The set up of the corrective strategies which shall be deployed vis-avis these 12 students shall also be observed.To this extent, the research unfolds within a phenomenological framework. The research, however, is not restricted to the phenomenological approach as a fundamental investigation of the problem also necessitates the adoption of positivist approach. Therefore, for a better understanding of the social and environmental factors influencing tardiness, the researcher will be might members and homeroom teachers and interview the two school administrators responsible for the control of the problem.The researcher shall, in other words, explore the socio-environm ental factors influencing tardiness. 16 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation piece of music Service 3. 2. 2 quantifiable versus Qualitative The selective information gathered shall be analysed from twain the qualitative and quantitative approaches. As Punch (2000) emphasises, within the context of social acquaintance research, both approaches must be used in order to flummox at both an objective, measurable understanding of the phenomenon and a humanistic comprehension of its socio-environmental dimensions.While attendance records and the effects of the corrective strategies on the twenty students under observation shall be qualitatively analysed, the variables which influence tardiness rates, both increase and decrease, shall be qualitatively analysed as a strategy for uncovering the socioenvironmental factors influencing tardiness rates. In other words, both qualitative and quantitative data analysis approaches shall be used for the purposes of arriving at a more holistic understanding of the phenomenon. 3. 2. 3 Deductive versus inductive Marcoulides (1998) defines the deductive approach as a testing of theories.The researcher harvest-feast with a set of theories and conceptual precepts in mind and formulates the turn overs hypotheses on their radix. Following from that, the research proceeds to test the proposed hypotheses. The inductive approach, on the other hand, follows from the collected empirical data and proceeds to formulae concepts and theories in symmetry with that data (Marcoulides, 1998). While not disputing the value of the inductive approach, the research opted for the deductive approach, or the top-down, as opposed to the bottom-up method. 3. 3 data Sources and Data Collection MethodsFor the purposes of this research and given that both chief(a) and secondary data be needed, three data collecting methods will be used. isolated from the desk-based data collection method traditionally associated with secondary data collection , primary data will be collected 17 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Service through the archival records (attendance sheets), interviews with two school administrators, a survey of faculty opinion, and the researchers own observations.. 3. 4 Credibility of look Findings Ultimately, the data collected is used to inform the research findings.If the data is not verifiable, the implication is that the findings are potentially suspect. incumbent upon the researcher to validate his/her findings (Sekaran, 2003). Accordingly, it is 3. 4. 1 Reliability A study is reliable except if another researcher, employ the same procedure and studying the same phenomenon, arrives at similar, or comparable, findings (Sekaran, 2003). Accordingly, it is eventful that the researcher maintain a comprehensive protocol of his study, in cheek others may be interested in checking its reliableness (Sekaran, 2003).Even with the best of intentions in mind, the researcher is often confronted wit h a variety of variables which may impinge upon the reliability of his findings. Quite simply stated, if he is partly drawing conclusions on the basis of questionnaire and interview data, it could very well be that respondents were biased or, simply not in the mood to answer the questions with any degree of interest. It is not at all uncommon for respondents to simply tick of response options without reading or considering them (Sekaran, 2003).Accordingly, research scholars advise researchers to carefully select their respondents, stop that they are, indeed, willing participants in the study and will answer the questions with the minimum degree of bias (Hair et al. , 2005). To ensure that this, indeed, is the case, when in-putting the questionnaire data, the researcher should carefully read through them to ensure that there are no logical flaws and that the responses given by any one respondent are not contradictory (Hair et al. , 2005).In addition, and to better ensure reliabilit y, the researcher should roll interviews at the respondents convenience and, 18 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Service further, when distributing questionnaires, should give participants several days to answer. By pursuing this advice, the researcher would, at least, be minimising the chances that the interview be rushed and the questionnaires blindly answered (Hair et al. , 2005). To conjure the reliability of the veritable research, the cited advice shall be considered and meticulously applied. 3. 4. 2 ValiditySaunders et al. (2000) contends that a research is valid only if it actually studies what it set out to study and only if the findings are verifiable. There are three methods for establishing hardship. As Saunders et al. (2000) explains, take in rigorousness entails the establishment of accurate operational measurements for the researchs core concept. This is make by establishing a chain of evidence throughout the data collection process by verifying key information through the use of multiple sources of information and by presented informants with a draft of the study for review.Besides establishing construct validity, social science researches need also establish external validity by testing the applicability of the findings to external case studies (Yin, 1989). While acknowledge to the importance of external validation methods, they are beyond the scope of the current research. Consequently, the research shall seek the verification of its findings through construct validation. 3. 5 deduction As may have been deduced from the above, the research shall adopt a abstruse methodological approach. The selection of the aforementioned and above explained ethodology was imposed upon the research by the nature of the phenomenon under investigation, the multi-layered nature of the research problem and the imperatives of satisfying the studys diverse, but interrelated, objectives. 19 www. MA-Dissertations. com Dissertation Writing Ser vice 4. 0 References Battisch, V. and Hom, A. (1997) The relationship between students sense of their school as a union and their involvement in problem behaviors. American Journal of Public Health, 87(12), 1997-2001. Booth, A. and Dunn, J. F. (1996) Family-School think How Do They Affect Educational Outcomes?NY Erlbaum. Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2004) Business query Methods. Oxford Oxford University Press. Chaker, A. M. (2005) Schools get goon on tardy students. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on 10 Jan. 2007, from http//www. post-gazette. com/pg/05321/607996. immediate memory Conaway, H. W. 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