
Monday, June 3, 2019

Unequal distribution of resources in society

Unequal distribution of resources in societyThe following discussion go out concentrate on brotherly inequalities in wellness which pass on lead to the unequal distribution of resources in the society. Health inequalities refers to the differences in the prevalence of incidence of health outcomes between population classifys and range by socio-economic groups and geographical atomic number 18a (Graham 2000). sexual activity which has fondly constructed single-valued functions of young-bearing(prenominal) and male identity, can therefore compound health inequalities which fork out the underlying socio-economic inequalities thereby affecting some social groups badly.Research on gender inequalities have induceed but the rapid social change in the lives of workforce and women and an increased questioning of an oversimplified established wisdom about gender and health makes a critical retrospective timely development in social theory which raise new questions about gender i nequalities (Fried, 2007).Gender inequalities in society lead to inequalities in health. Most societies give greater status and indicator to men and this has adverse impact on the health of women. Domestic abuse occurs mostly against women. Thus, womens health is profoundly affected by the slipway they atomic number 18 treat and the status they are given in society (NHS Lothian, 2004).Distinct roles and behaviours of men and women in a given finishing are dictated by their culture, gender, norms and determine which gives rise to gender differences. Gender differences and gender inequalities can therefore give rise to inequalities between men and women in health status and the access to health care (World Health Organization, 2009).Apart from the internalized ideologies of gender that are acquired, all societies are structured around hierarchical systems whereby sex together with age form the zippy organizing features. Gender differences in access to and control over key mater ial and social resources result not lonesome(prenominal) in inequalities of health and wellbeing, but too inequalities in power, knowledge, making independent decisions relating to sexual and reproductive decisions and to act on them in health seeking behaviour (Oakley, 1998). So, if biological predispositions form one stand for inequalities in reproductive health and cultural difference (Graham, 2000), then the distribution of resources within the household, family and community of interests forms an additional layer of differences reflecting inequalities of gender.According to Walby (1997), gender norms and values and the resulting behaviours are affecting health in a negative way. Gender can be one of the major obstacles standing between men and women and the achievement of well-being. Women have lower incomes and make seventy-five percent of single pensioner households and are likely to bear inequality in health related to poverty (Scottish Executive, 2003).Walby (2000) writ es that the actions of the European Union are limited by its primary concern with standard employment whereas women are often employed in non-standard forms such as parttime and temporary employment and thus many women do not benefit from its regulations. She went on to explain the extent to which the family form involves women as housewives or casters. This is therefore to a greater extent complex than the use of gender norms because the different types not only by different types of values but also by the form of the welfare state.Gender as well as socio-economic position mediates exposure to material, psychosocial and behavioral risks (Annandale and Hunt 2000 1996) Men have traditionally been exposed to the industrial injuries associated with skilled manual work yet women experience the disadvantages of contributing to affective disorder, poor home environment with heavy childcare responsibilities as well as low levels of social clog up since most women if they are employed, th ey are on low pay. Women bear extensive caring and nurturing responsibilities and a higher prevalence of poverty. According to Wobbe (2003) stress of making ends realize impacts the health of women leading to mental health illnesses. He explains that enforced childbearing, overwork and poorer access to food compared to men meant that womens life expectance in society was affected much than than mens.According to Graham (2000) ,only females are exposed to problems relating to menstruation, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, childbirth and lactation. It is only women who experience breast or cervical cancer or pelvic inflammatory disease. (Lorber ,2000) says only men are at risk of prostate cancer, impotence or problems related to vacectomies. But, both sexes can experience infertility. Girls and women are at risk of more than varied and serious sexual reproductive health problems than boys and men (Connell 2002).Gender base inequalities in health cut across and interact with cat egorize inequalities (Scott 1988)Thus, health problems such as iron deficiency, anaemia which is common among women, among the poor and in rural areas can result in highly class-specific patterns of reproductive morbidity and mortality rate among women. However males do have an excess mortality persisting through to later life. They are at risk of dying in childhood and adulthood from diseases such as affection attacks and strokes. Townsend and Davidson (198248) writes The gap in life expectancy between men and women is the most distinctive feature of human health in the advanced society. The death of men in different social classes is in most cases double that of women leading to the cumulative health inequalities between the sexes. Gender and class therefore exert highly significant but different influences on the quality and duration of life in modern society. Connell (1987, 1995, 2002) analyses gender and health and writes that men was often reactive to feminism. Men was socia lized into the sex-role system in ways which even though they were oppressive to women, they developed men in distorted ways as emotionally repressed and power oriented thus put men at greater risk of early death through suicide and heart disease. Feminist ideologies expressed through by rights and health oriented womens organizations aim at promoting the sexual and reproductive health go and restrictions on contraceptive method methods that are thought to violate religious norms. Inequalities in access result from the denial of family planning services to the unmarried especially in the African culture and from requirements that married women must obtain their husbands consent among other restrictions.Annandale and Hunt (2000) say It is hard to argue that male-female mortality difference are statistical artifact. They suggest that female excess morbidity is socially constructed. Intense social pressure to conform to accepted ideals of masculinity therefore leads men to deny illne ss out of business that it displays weakness and are less prepared to report symptoms or use health services compared to women.Health care professionals are faced with challenging social attitude to prevent and manage risk factors to ensure they do not lead to chronic health problems later in life. So professionals have a role in the prevention of abuse by taking challenging actions and condone violence and abusive behaviour that reinforce the gender stereotypes and underpin home(prenominal) abuse in women. Women affect to be provided with appropriate response which is part of the high quality care that should be delivered. Professionals should feel confident, have access to training, stick up and adequate information to enable them to stomach women experiencing domestic abuse. (NHS Lothian, 2000) Professionals should be aware and able to recognize signs of potential abuse in women. They should respond to women in a supportive way and listen to them. The World Health Organisati on (2000) say the goals of Gender and Womens Health Department are to increase health professionals awareness of the role of gender and inequality in perpetuating abuse, disease and death with the view to eliminate gender as a barrier to good health. The Department of Health (2000) aims to develop an approach to think into account performance management between health authorities about key health issues so as to make targets based on gender specific principles. Females and males think and act differently as a consequences of their socialization and of the gendered society (Walby 2004). The challenge still stands that healthy communities which recognize inequalities should be built and achieved by recording social issues, changing they way things are done and accepting that the postulate of people must be at the heart of everything a professional does.Working with individuals is vital on the part of health professionals and it is their duty to make service users welcome and comfor table especially the one-to-one support which should be client centred. Since women experience child birth, it is the health professionals duty to held the pregnant woman focusing on her individual needs and interest making her understand more about her health care and be able to make decisions about childbirth and caring for her baby. Women often approach health care professionals for inspection and repair because they need up-to date advice on breastfeeding, solid foods, because the decisions made at the start of a babys life require sensitivity and understanding, thus mothers need reassurance and hence the need for health professionals to work with individuals. Even those women who might have suffered domestic abuse, it is essential to work closely with them individually reflecting on what happened and how best they can be assisted. When on the job(p) with men as individuals, it should not only allow themselves to talk more openly about their problems, but helps the health prof essional to find out more about mens psychological ill health. Since most of them go forth be clinically depressed and the sense of isolation will be profound as they will not be talking to anyone about their concerns or feelings. Thus, health care should be accessible, approachable and achievable for everyone (Department of Health 2000).Working with group as state by Drummomd (2000), it is essential to work with and understand the views of men and women of the local community for health promotions. The professionals should think laterally and work in small companies where men are under pressure. Services according to Drummond should be in youth centres, unemployment centres and many small groups in the community. The development of local strategic partnership offers opportunities or health authorities and local authority to discuss health issues. To build healthy communities, professionals need to work with local men and women by bringing them into partnership within the locality in which services are placed, working within a context of dialogue that leads to action. Young men are an especially different group to reach because they are not interested in the long-term results of an unhealthy lifestyle but can be persuaded to consider the immediate impact of sure ill-health hence the need to change the way health is marketed. (Deville-Almond 2008) it is vital to work with peer support groups such as the prostate cancer a munificence which offers men the opportunity to talk to other men to reduce embarrassment when discussing symptom thereby promoting autonomy.Townsend and Davidson(1988) states Inequalities exist also in the utilization of health services, peculiarly and most worryingly of the preventive services. According to the Health Promotion, women access health services more regularly and it is much easier for health professionals to consult women. Robinson, a community learning consultant explains that if health professionals are to work with men, t hey must go where they are thereby being flexible I delivering services. She further says that if one is a female professional she should not hesitate to go and work in a working mens club and talk about health issues as this would remediate the younger mens health. The Department of Health (2000) argues that services should be sensitive to mens concerns and attitudes. The Health Department Agency (2001) says there should be more mens health clinics, telephone and online services should be developed since most men prefer the anonymity of such services. Opening hours should take into account the commitment of people who work full-time. The role of occupational health services should be strengthened. Mens health needs should be taken into account by the local authority community thus providing the opportunity to take an over acting view of inequalities of all kinds.This essay has shown that women and men share many similar health challenges and the differences are such that the healt h women deserve crabby attention. Even though women live longer men because of biological and behavioural advantages, their longer lives might not be healthy lives because of the biological and social processes they go through which carry health crisis and therefore require health care. Gender inequalities in health are therefore socially governed and thus actionable. Even in health, biology is not destiny, Sex and society, nature and nurture, chromosomes and environments interact to determine who is well or ill, who is treated or not, who is exposed or vulnerable to ill-health and whose health needs are acknowledged or dismissed (Equal Opportunities Commission 2002).

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