
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Be Able to Support Individuals to Use the Toilet

3. Be able to thunder mug one-on-ones to social occasion the feces 3. 1 Provide support for the personist to use toilet facilities in slip agency that respect dignity 1. Offer the individual a ease. 2. If the individual is not able to transfer by itself help him/her to transfer however encourage using their own strength as much as he/she is able in order to call forth their independency. 3. When the individual is sitting on the toilet cover his/her private field of force with for example towel to respect their dignity. 4.Ask if they the individual needs some privacy, if it is assuage to live the individual by him/herself on the toilet inform that you argon going to wait outside the toilet and when finish he/she can call you. In the situation when it is not safe to live the individual on the toilet, you can respect their privacy by turning around. 5. Do not start any comments which would make them feel uncomfortable. 3. 2 realise individual to make themselves clean and t idy subsequently using toilet facilities Most of the service users at my work place require salutary support after using a toilet. However, we remained them to wash their hand after using the toilet.Those service users who are not able to wash their work force by themselves are supported by faculty members. The service users who do not need a support with using the toilet are remanded to use it and to remember to wash their hands. 6. Be able to monitor and writing on support for personal care 6. 1 Seek feedback from the individual and others on how well support for personal care assures the individuals needs and preferences 1. Read Care Plans. 2. Ask the individual if the currently utilize methods come over their preferences. 3. Ask the individual if they would like to make any changes which would make their personal care more convenient, comfortable or njoyable. 4. Discuss with staff members how they can improve the support of the individual in order to meet their needs an d preferences. 5. Upgrade Care Plans on the regular basis. 2. 2 Be able to contribute to establishing the nature of specific communication needs of individuals and ways to address them Establishing the nature of specific communication 1. Talk to family members to find the way how the individual used to communicate with them. 2. If the individual hasnt got any family members watch the care plan if any exists. 3. Observe the individual. 4. If the individual is verbal honest talk to them.The ways to address 1. Talk to them. 2. Give them choice. 3. Ask them wake the pictures. 4. Learn non verbal language (makaton) 5. Communication passport (for example a picture of service user when is happy, angry or sad). 6. Showing the imprecate by seeking the contact with support members (for example grabbing the hand, not ignoring when universe asked). 2. 3 Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and addressing specific communication needs When 1. When the ind ividual is new at the house. 2. When the individuals condition is acquiring worse How 1.Care Plan 2. Communication Passport 3. Family 4. Speech and Language healer 5. Basic information tables placed in each room 6. bonk how to support the use of communication technology and aids 3. Explain the splendour of ensuring that communication equipment is correctly set up and working properly This is authoritative because it is necessary to know how to communicate with service users in order to meet their needs. It prevents unnecessary misunderstanding and follows it anxiety and irritation of service users. As such(prenominal) it decreases the possibility of provoking a challenging behaviour.

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